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A member registered Feb 08, 2020

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by "deleting chips" i meant deleting them on the toolbar so that they dont exist anymore and dont take up space on the toolbar

(1 edit)

DGL2 is very cool! althought there are many quite major bugs like the phantom node which appears on the left and you can turn it on and off but even if you connect it to something it the wire and gate input will both stay off and you cant move it,delete it or name it. the only way i found out to get rid of them is to exit and enter the project again so you thankfully dont have to restart the game but i also noticed that weird gates i didnt make appear, they dont have any inputs/outputs, name or antyhing they are just black thin rectangles and deleting it make 3 more so if i delete 1 there are now 3 but reentering the project resets it back to 1 and releoding the chip deletes it entirely sometimes so its behaviour is quite random

the game is very cool but there are alot of basic features missing such as deleting made chips and projects or editing them which makes it hell if you forgot a wire in a chip and now doesnt work and its stuck there

wdym? also whats the name of the cell maker cause im curious

got the good ending first try! really good game and i think it could be a full game

great game should be on steam and maybe more characters and maybe chnage the mob attack

can you update this to the one like on the mobile? (or you can't do that)

this is a T H I C C B E A N men of culture